ALTA / ACSM Land Title Surveys:
Acklam personnel have broad expertise in performing Land Title Surveys, specifically when performed under the requirements as set forth by the American Land Title Association (ALTA), The American Congress on Survey and Mapping (ACSM) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS).

Boundary and Land Surveys

Base Map Generation:
Acklam has the resources and ability to assist in any part of the preliminary design, or construction surveys, and upload, merge or manage applicable data sources into an AutoCAD or GIS system.

Title Research:
Acklam personnel are well versed in obtaining record information from local county Assessor and Clerk offices as needed to determine current ownership as well as easements that either cross or parallel routing projects or encumber parcels of land within a surveying project.

Property Exhibits for linear projects:
Acklam has extensive experience developing property exhibits, both certified by a Professional Land Surveyor and also non-certified mapping or negotiation grade. Our processes and procedures allow Acklam personnel to generate exhibits quickly and accurately to meet the demands of our clients and maintain project schedules. Additionally, if needed, Acklam produces written descriptions (sometimes referred to as “legal descriptions”) that will accompany the certified property exhibits.

Improvement Survey

Vikan SD27J Land Survey


Based on information provided by RLH Engineering, Inc., Acklam provided for; the horizontal location of above ground features included but not limited to buildings, building heights, fences, utilities, signs, mailboxes, roads, road striping, road crown, curbs, gutters, driveways, sidewalks, walls, handicap ramps, significant landscaping fixtures, 6 inch and greater trees, bushes, drainage/irrigation features and all existing infrastructure within parcel boundaries. Acklam researched and depicted readily available building restrictions and setback lines and incorporated this information on the Existing Condition Survey. Up to 3 on-site survey control points were established for future use during construction and this information was incorporated into the Existing Condition Survey.

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